Haroldo Jacobovicz Institute Will Support 20 Institutions in Curitiba and Region
By the end of its final phases of structuring, the Institute will have a budget and team to focus on social issues. “The actions we have always carried out over the years on behalf of the family will be strengthened and we also want to get closer to the beneficiary institutions”, says Haroldo. As per the IHJ constitution, he will serve as CEO, his wife, Sarita Zlotnik, as vice president, and daughters, Karina and Valéria, as administrative and legal directors, respectively. The plan is to preserve current actions and identify new fronts for action, including developing a project connected to technology, innovation and education.
Philanthropy Culture
Haroldo Jacobovicz, the son of Polish and German Jews, has been following his parents’ contributions to their communities since he was a child. “I learned early in life that to achieve individual success it is essential to contribute to the collective well-being in some way”, he says. The vocation for philanthropy is a legacy passed down generation to generation and is something he is looking forward to leaving his grandchildren and daughters.
The family is committed to building long-term relationships with the institutions they support over a number of decades. Rather than providing one-off assistance, the priority of IHJ is being a reliable partner over time. Along with recurring donations, the group organizes fun activities to celebrate holidays, such as Christmas, Children’s Day, Easter and Mother’s Day, which have been disrupted the past two years by the pandemic. Winter campaigns are also promoted every year with blanket distributions and a McHappy Day event in October. The goal of the institute is to create a structured annual calendar and implement it according to the Ministry of Health’s social distance and hygiene guidelines.
Donations and support are currently being provided to several organizations in Curitiba and surrounding regions, such as Hospital Erasto Gaetner, Associação Amigo Animal, Associação Israelita de Beneficência Beit Chabad and Sociedade Protetora dos Animals. The goal is to maintain the number of 20 beneficiary institutions in 2022.
Caring For Others
Charitable acts and caring for others are a part of Haroldo Jacobovicz’s company corporate values. The technology-based solutions they provide promote the digital transformation of society. The entrepreneur is a member of the Board of Directors of Horizons Telecom, a telecom company he founded in 2010, and CEO of the e-Governe group, a management software company, composed of Minauro, Sisteplan and Consult. His companies value people as protagonists of their achievements, promoting the autonomy to make a difference in society through social development and a respect for diversity.
All of his corporate offices are designed with the goal of creating a well-being environment for workers, as most people spend a great deal of time working. Special attention is paid to the physical facilities, the functionality of the spaces, the landscape, and the maintenance of the infrastructure and equipment. Private transportation is also available so employees can travel safely to and from work without the risk of exposure to viruses or disease on public transportation. Along with comprehensive health insurance, the benefits package includes a birthday “day off”, educational assistance, a tribute to family members who have passed on, and even baby baskets for new parents celebrating the birth of their child or adoption.
As a Civil Engineer with a passion for technology, Haroldo Jacobovicz aims to solve everyday problems and improve the lives of people, companies, and public institutions. His motivation is to develop projects that transform ideas into concrete solutions. “I work in the field of technology, which is the basis for global transformation, and I want to see this change happen through social activities so a better world is left for future generations”, he declares. Currently, the entrepreneur heads a new digital company, yet to be disclosed, that has the potential to foster social inclusion and equal opportunities in the areas of education and employment.
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Originally published at https://www.prnewswire.com.